Why Wrap Your Vehicle?

Why Wrap, and not Paint?

Many inquiring customers often wonder to themselves, “Why should I wrap my car instead of painting it?” A paint job can range from $1,000-$10,000 depending on the quality and color choice. Whereas a vehicle wrap can cost $500-$3000+ depending on the vinyl wrap. Along with this much cheaper price tag comes MANY benefits that paint cannot offer. Paint quality can vary especially whilst looking for a cheaper price. Cheaper paints will look great at first, but within a few years will begin to look awful and need to be redone. Professionally installed vehicle wraps will leave your vehicle with a breathtaking finish for years to be admired.

7 Reasons to Wrap Your Car
Cost: A high quality paint job can range from $2,000-$10,000 depending on the color, paint shop, and quality of the paints. Professionally installed vinyls with the highest quality materials can cost $500-$3,000+ and will have a life expectancy of 5-8 years vinyl depending. For a fraction of the cost of paint, one can choose to wrap their vehicle for as long or little as one desires.

Resale Value: Being able to maintain the manufacturers original paint will keep the resale value intact from a devalued exotic color. If your company or preference is for instance a bright exotic color, it may not be your potential buyers favorite color. Having the option to keep your vehicles original factory color will allow you to keep your resale value intact.

Countless Options: Upon purchasing your vehicle you may have wanted something different, or possibly a color that is not available in factory paint. This is where vinyl wraps will allow all of your car fantasies to come true. With hundreds of color choices and digitally printed custom designs, you may transform your vehicle to the way you have always wanted it. You will be able to stand out from all of the others and have a truly one of a kind vehicle. If after a few years you are looking for change once again, just have us remove it and choose a new color! Transform your vehicle every few years and keep everyone guessing!

Installation Time: When choosing to paint your vehicle you are allowing yourself to be without transportation for up to two weeks. When it comes to wrapping a vehicle, we can have your car fully transformed within 2 days and ready to be picked back up. Don’t leave yourself stranded, wrap it!

Protection: Every covered inch of your vehicle in vinyl is protecting your factory paint from all natural hazards and weathering. This allows your paint to age naturally and not be affected by prolonged sun exposure. Vehicle wrap vinyl is a very durable material and will act as a shield. Say goodbye to stone chips, abrasion, and other natural hazards!

Easy Maintenance: Is constantly waxing your vehicle beginning to take a toll on you? Allow yourself enjoy never having to wax again! Vehicle wraps a extremely easy to maintain and will look brand new once again from only hand washing with soap and water. Another effective form of caring for your wrap is to use a microfiber rag and 70% alcohol to wash away any dirt or smudges.

Long Lasting, Safe Removal: High quality vinyls ensure a long lasting product that can also be safely removed. A wraps life is highly affected by how long it is left outside in the sun causing it to fade quicker. Keeping your vehicle in the garage will allow you to maximize your wraps life to the fullest extent. The vehicle wrap may be removed safely between the 5-8 year period and will NOT affect your current paint.

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