What does car oil do? (Page 1 of 2)

While we all know that we need to check our oil levels when we fill up, do you know why it is so important? Here are some useful tips on how and why you should change your car oil.

Oil performs five basic functions in your car engine: 1. Separation and lubrication Oil helps reduce the amount of energy consumed. An oil film acts as a lubricant by stopping moving parts from coming into direct contact. 2. Cooling Oil acts as a coolant by dispelling the heat created by friction. 3. Cleaning Oil keeps your car engine clean by trapping impurities like dust and combustion residues in the oil filter. 4. Rust protection Water and combustion acids can cause rust in your engine. Oil coats and protects your engine surfaces from rust agents. 5. Water tightness For optimum compression and engine power, pistons need effective water tightness. Oil covers the pistons with a film thus keeping water at bay.

When should I change the oil in my car? It all depends on the make and model of your car. Check your car instruction manual to find out how often you should change your oil. Most car manufacturers recommend an oil change every 6,000 miles for a normal service and every 3,000 miles for a severe service (this is for driver’s that use their car a lot). Changing your oil regularly can prevent engine damage. Not enough oil can cause your engine parts to scrape together. Too much oil could spill over onto your engine. You should also check your oil filter on a regular basis to clear it of any build-up. If your oil levels are running low, most cars have an oil light fitted into the dashboard. Keep an eye on your oil light. If you have an oil leak, you will use more oil than usual. Can I change the oil myself? Yes. It’s relatively quick and easy to do it yourself and it could save you a bit of cash. If your car goes in for regular services at a garage, the mechanic should check and change your oil when necessary.

How do I change the oil in my car? Just follow these four easy steps. If you’re not sure where some of the parts are in your car, check your car instruction manual.

1. Drain the oil Your car engine must be turned off and cool to touch. Most modern car engines run at around 150ºC. Hot oil can cause serious burns. Find out where your drain plug is (check your car instruction manual). Place a big enough container directly under the drain plug and then unscrew the plug in an anti-clockwise direction. If you can’t do this by hand, use an oil filter wrench. When all the oil has drained out, screw the plug back in making sure it is firmly in place.

2. Replace the filter Place a container under the oil filter to catch the oil. You will need an oil filter wrench to remove the old oil filter. Before you put your new oil filter in, coat it with a thin layer of oil and check the instructions in your car instruction manual. Most manuals will tell you to give the oil filter one more turn after the gasket has made contact. This is important because you don’t want it too loose as it will leak or so tight that you can’t remove it.

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