Top Tips to Follow Before Fitting New Tyres to Your Car

Very few car owners get excited about the fact that they need new tyres for their car. But the condition of a car’s tyres is a very important safety factor as the tyres keep the car attached to the road. A car owner is very seldom a tyre expert, and therefore it is important to know what to buy and where to buy. Here are a few tips on how to do it the right way.

Have an idea how long the car is going to be owned and how much mileage will be put on the car. Financially it’s not a really good idea to buy tyres with a 100,000 miles warranty if the car is going to be sold or traded in within a few months.

What type of driving? No need to look for racing type tyres in normal driving. Check the owner’s manual of the car for the recommend rating of the tyres, or ask a tyre retailer. Make sure the tyre that is capable of supporting the load the car might demand. Write down all the information from the tyres on the car right now, size, and speed rating, etc., if the intention is to just replace them with the same type.

The budget is also a factor. After all, most car owners would prefer to have cheap tyres fitted on their cars. This means that some factors have to be sacrificed, such as mileage warranties. But do not base the tyre purchase only on the lowest price. Remember, choosing the right tyre can be the difference between a near miss and an accident.

Never replace only one tyre! Always do it in pairs. It is important that both sides of the car have tyres of the same type, and the same wear. Also, it may be a good idea to discuss a possible discount with the tyre dealer when buying more than one tyre.

When the time has come to buy new tyres, there are many options. The most expensive option is almost always to deal with the car dealership. Dealers will offer original-equipment tyres and often charge a lot for mounting and balancing. This can cost twice as much as going to a tyre shop down the street. That local shop is almost certainly the best place for the average consumer to shop for new tyres. Prices are usually reasonable and the shop manager will help the customer find cheap tyres fitted for their vehicle. Keep in mind that any tyre selection is a balance between ride quality and cost. Don’t buy more tyre than needed. Consumers often overestimate their tyre needs. It’s the job of the tyre shop expert and the customer to select a tyre that offers the right balance.

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