Strategies for Long Haul Driving

Extra care and attention are required when driving on curves, hills, and performing passing maneuvers, but driving on a straight stretch of road requires just as much skill and attention. Many accidents are caused simply because drivers lose control of their vehicles which run off the road and collide with obstacles along the side of the road.

Before starting out on a long trip, the safe driver should be well rested and alert. High speed driving requires all of your attention. Your eyes should be focused well ahead on the road. By side scanning the shoulders and sides of the road, impending dangers such as pedestrians, animals, cyclists, roller bladers, and other hazards can be seen and avoided.

Modern automobiles are fast, powerful – and very quiet. One does not get the feeling of true speed unless stopped quickly in the event of an emergency. Only then does this power become evident. Being wide awake and alert is your best assurance of being able to handle confidently any emergency situation that might arise.

After driving great distances at high speeds, it is important for safe drivers to always keep a close eye on their speedometer because when they pass through cities or towns where the speed limit is lower, they may be in danger of speeding. Many drivers receive speeding tickets when entering built up areas, towns and cities, because they simply do not realize that they are exceeding the posted speeds.

At the first sign of fatigue, you should stop well off the highway and get out of the car. Walking around or just relaxing by having a coffee or a soft drink will refresh you and relieve tension. After this short relaxation period, you will go on your way again a much safer driver.

When driving along a highway, it is important to keep your vehicle centered in your proper lane. Do not be a driver that straddles the center line. Don’t go too far the other way, however, so that your right wheels run onto the shoulder of the road at high speed.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to stop by the highway for emergency repairs. It is imperative that you move your car well off the travelled portion of the highway or onto the paved shoulder which is provided on main highways. Many people have been killed or seriously injured when struck by other vehicles while changing a tire or making other repairs. Use your four way emergency flashers to warn approaching traffic.

If it is not possible to make the repairs yourself on the road, the best possible strategy would be to use your cell phone and call a tow truck to transport your vehicle to an accredited garage. If you ever have to abandon your vehicle, make sure that it is far enough to the side so it will not impede the movement of traffic.

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