Important Pre-Ride Motorcycle Inspection Tasks

One of the most important tasks that you must complete before taking any motorcycle trip is to perform a pre trip scan of your bike to make sure it is ready for the road. Doing so will help ensure your safety and help to prevent any major malfunctions while you are out on the road. There are a number of different items that you can check on your motorcycle before going on your next motorcycle trip.

One of the first things you should check on your motorcycle before any ride is your tires. A tire pressure check should always be done before any ride and is a good way to ensure that your tires are safe for travel. Check your owner manual for recommend tire pressure settings, or if that is not available, you can check on the tires themselves as most manufacturers will print the recommended tire pressure settings right on the tires. Make sure that your tires have enough tread and are not worn down to the point where they are no longer safe. Sufficient tread is very important when it comes to being able to properly grip the road. Without enough tread, your motorcycle may loose traction while turning which would be very dangerous.

Another important check that you should make before going on your next motorcycle trip is whether or not all of your lights are working properly. Your lights are what make you visible to other drivers on the road so it is important that all indicator and headlights are completely functional. If any lights are not working, be sure to fix them before you hit the road.

You should also check all fluid levels to make sure that your motorcycle is properly fueled, oiled, greased, and has enough coolant if this is relevant. Improper fluid levels could lead to engine troubles while out on the road so be sure to check your oil levels, coolant levels, brake fluid levels, and of course, always make sure you have enough gas.

These are just a few safety checkpoints that you should be sure and review every time you go to take a ride on your motorcycle. Doing so will help ensure that your bike is safe and that you will not have any major malfunctions while out on the road.

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