How To Get More Miles Per Gallon Of Gas

Many people think that the only way to get better gas mileage is to buy a car that uses less fuel. While it is true that a new car fitted with the latest technologies will perform better in terms of increased gas mileage, there is a lot that can be done with older models of car by changing driver behavior. The main ways that this can be done is to keep a check on the speed, use cruise control and gears properly, be careful with the use of air conditioning, and maintain the car regularly to keep it working in top condition. This article will look at these points in turn and give some advice on how to get better gas mileage from your car.

First, keeping a good speed is a definite way to improve gas mileage. Keeping a good speed means keeping a constant speed in all driving situations. The general rule is don’t go faster than you need to, especially in urban areas, since this usually mean the need to accelerate over short distances and then use the brake to slow down at an intersection. Then the whole process repeats itself, using up fuel unnecessarily. When on the highway a similar thing can be done. By keeping a constant speed the engine will use fuel much more efficiently.

In order to keep a constant speed, especially when driving on the highway, the proper use of cruise control can be a great way to cut down on fuel use and get better gas mileage. The cruise control technology ensures that the engine is working optimally, and so cutting out the need for the driver to think how to make the car run in the best way. Cruise control will alter the way the car runs to make sure that the best gas mileage is achieved.

One of the things that can really increase the use of gas is the overuse of the automobiles air conditioning unit. In summer there is always a tendency to have the air conditioning on full blast to keep the heat at bay. While this might make you feel more comfortable, it really cuts down on gas mileage efficiency. If you can turn the air conditioning down just a couple of degrees it can make a big difference to gas mileage, especially over a long-distance trip. Many other gas mileage tips can be found on the website

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