Gas Made From H2O – You Have Got to Be Kidding! (Page 1 of 2)

I guess by now you have heard of the new invention this article is all about. I was just as amazed as you are feeling this very minute. I have never heard of such a thing, so I had to do some research!

Did you know that researchers and scientists have been studying to bring about this evolution of removing the hydrogen from water, and then it can become a source of energy?

This is one of those best kept secrets, do you think the big oil kings are going to let you, the public know about this finding? Heck no, they would rather pay me to keep it hush hush, and they just might, but for the time being I am spilling my guts. I will explain how you, yes you can build your own system that will run on water, thus water4gas ratings secret.

With The Trouble Our World Is In, Why Is This Latest Development Being Hidden?

You have heard by now that the oil industry worth a billion dollars or more on this planet. This same industry has many nations in control, why, well they have the oil supplies. As you well know it has become the most important product to every American’s livelihood, that being said, the gas prices have sky rocketed. What can we do?

I to have been so agitated by trying to keep up with the ever changing gas prices, searching around to get the cheapest per gallon price for my hard earned money. It has become a crying shame what our politicians are hiding from us once again. I just love the way they think we are a country of crazy people, did they think we would not figure this out? The funny thing is our heritage of back yard mechanics of the past knew tid bits about H2O to Gas even back in the good ole days. Simply speaking you will learn how to convert your vehicle to be a nifty water4gas ratings item.

Fossil fuel is the major source of energy used for our automobiles. Could we impact the economy by using water to run our vehicles? Let me see, there would be a state of utter confusion for the oil industry and the demand for oil would drop off drastically, and the oil kingpins would have their wealth threatened and unfortunately some people would lose their jobs. We have many losing their jobs now in our country because of supply and demand. It takes gasoline to run all of the businesses in one way or the other.

Cars Running On Water, Let Me Explain This: Water4Gas Ratings

What is water made of? Okay, I know school days were awhile ago for me also. I looked it up; water is made of one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms. A force called electrolysis passing an electrical current in the water creates the separation of the water to hydrogen and oxygen. Thus, this hydrogen can be used as an energy source.

I am not about to claim that a car can run on H2O alone, it has to have the above mentioned process to break the water down to be used as energy. You will still need gas to keep your engine cranking and running, but you can save some serious monies and extend the mileage of the gasoline you do have to purchase. This is the H2O to Gas you are beginning to hear about on TV, and it will cost you less than $100 to make the system, installation instructions are included. Just think how much this idea can save you and your family each month? By my own calculations and I live 5 minutes from my place of employment, I can save several hundreds each and every month driving my water4gas ratings vehicle.

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