Canard SXT: The EV, Jet Sports Car that Fly’s 300 MPH – The Dream!

For man or woman to fly is the dream; but to be able to drive your very own beautiful sports car that fly’s is beyond imagination.

The name – airplane, car, plane, sports car, race car, flying car, and now the flying sports car. The New EV flying jet sports car. Well what can I say, the dream has finally come true. Thanks to modern technologies, very small powerful jet engines, light-weight, extremely strong carbon fiber building materials and EV, and all electric ground driving mode system; we now have success. For the first time in aviation history, we have a two place sports car that has the very best of all these new technologies available. Now the dream can be your dream.

I see a future where Freeway’s will have take-off and landing lanes for flying cars. The days of being stuck in traffic will come to an end. We will all be able to live out of the cities, in nice pollution free areas, where the air is clean, and our kids can play outside without the fear of being run over by an eighteen wheeler.

This dream started back in the 1950’s when I was just a kid, and my Dad was an aeronautical engineer at Northrop in the wing division. He told me that the lifting power of the new wing designs would lend themselves to building a flying car with a very short wingspan within road limitations of 102″ inch’s or 8′ foot 5″ inch’s, but it still couldn’t fly with the 1950’s engine technologies. He also told me that there would be engines in the future that would be perfect for this project. The jet engines we use for the “Canard SXT” only weigh 40 LBS each, putting out 250 LBS of thrust. That means, there is 500 LBS of thrust pushing this little sports car down the road and through the skies.

The EV, all electric drive mode, is also the latest technologies. Light-weight batteries and motor drive system that makes this all possible. We have the very first drive or fly sports car in the world. You can be going down the Freeway at 70 MPH, light up the jet engines and fly. You don’t have to stop and change anything or fold up your wings. Now how fun is that?

The starting price of $280,000.00 for the “Canard SXT” is of course, much higher than we like, but we have already found new ways to bring that price down. If Henry Ford could do it, so can we. I would like to see a lot of these beautiful machines going down the freeways and in the skies. I have a friend who said he would like to have one, but he didn’t have a pilot’s license. I told him that he didn’t have to fly; he could just drive. It only takes five minutes to take the wing off. You can drive around town with or without it. Actually, the car looks pretty cool with the wing off.

We also have a slow flight wing for having fun and learning to fly and a high speed racing wing which is also great for flying cross country at high speeds. You and a friend can take one wing off and put the other wing on in about 10 minutes. I stay up late at night dreaming this stuff up.

We will have our own flight school; making it more convenient for you to receive your pilot’s license. It’s much easier than you think. Most people solo; fly by yourself the first time in about 10 hours. It takes an additional 35 to 40 hours to get your private license. When you have your private license, you can take your friends for a ride. It only takes 200 hours to obtain a commercial pilot’s license, now you can make money.

Oh, and it takes longer to learn how to use an I-Phone than it does to learn how to fly an airplane. Yesterday, while getting my hair cut, I asked the stylist how many hours he had to go to beauty school. He replied, 1,700 hours to get his license. I told him that it only took me 200 hours to get my commercial pilot’s license, and I was making money. He replied, “WOW!”

It’s really easy to get your pilots license and become a real pilot. It’s great fun learning how to zoom through the sky. When I lived in Santa Ana California, I use to fly my two place airplane over to Catalina Island for Sunday brunch, the pancakes were really delicious. At times, there were as many as fifty to a hundred planes flying in. It was great fun. If you are a pilot, there is fly-ins every weekend all over our country. There is also the Baja Mexico Flying Club. A group of pilots who get together and fly down to spend the weekend on Mexico’s sunny beaches and hang out in the beautiful palm filled resorts.

Having your very own “Canard SXT” will be a new adventure in every area of your life. Once you fly your own sports car, you will never go back to just being a land lover. The sky is safe, fun, and a new adventure is waiting around every corner. Don’t miss the best that life has to offer, the New Fun “Canard SXT”. Be the first to own a flying sports car, it can be your very own time machine!

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