Tag Archives: warm

Is It Worth It To Change Your Own Oil?

The short answer: No. I recommend paying a trustworthy mechanic. It’s about the same price and saves you the hassle.It’s that time of year again. You’re in your car and you happen to glance up at that little Jiffy Lube

Emergency Supplies Everyone Needs Inside Their Vehicle

This winter I went to a neighboring city for the day. When I left home it was partly sunny and I thought a light sweater would be enough to wear for the day. At the last minute I did take

Improve Gas Mileage In Your Vehicle With These Top 10 Tips

All we seem to hear on the news these days is how gas prices are going through the roof and show no sign of slowing down, let alone stopping.In fact, there are many experts who are now saying that before

Keeping your Car Interior Clean: Helpful Suggestions (Page 1 of 2)

Anyone who travels in a car for an extended amount of time knows how quickly the interior of a car can become cluttered. The degree to which the car interior becomes dirty depends on several factors. Who rides in the

How To Properly Inflate Your Tires

Putting air in your tires sometimes seems like a small, unimportant task. While it is a tiny detail, it is very important. Having the proper amount of air in your tires can, not only prevent you from a dangerous accident,