Tag Archives: value

2011 Toyota Camry

If you have a passion for driving a 2011 Toyota Camry is a car you want to travel with. The car handles wonderfully and the body of the car handles noise and road vibrations like a luxury car. The Toyota

New cars v/s used cars

Any purchaser when considering to get a car runs into the challenge of either investing in used cars or new cars. Both new cars and used cars have their share of pros and cons. At the end the decision of

The Biggest Mistakes People Make When Buying Repossessed Cars (Page 1 of 2)

Buying repossessed cars is a great way to take advantage of the current economic climate. With repossessions on the increase there is an ever-growing number of good used cars available and these cars are usually sold to the highest bidder

Off to college

Families go through a number of stages but one of the more interesting is the, “I’m leaving home” moment when teens go off to college. For some parents who have been barely able to live through the rebellious teen phase,

Who earns the most for a scrap car?

Gone are the days that we have to pay someone to tow away our scrap car, but that doesn’t mean anyone is going to retire early on money paid from selling their old banger. With the growth in the scrap

Car disposal is becoming a lucrative business, but what cost is borne by the environment?

It is obvious that the car disposal market is an essentially environmentally sound industry. Breakers yards recycle as many of the parts that can be commercially removed from vehicles before crushing them and selling the remaining metal via the international