Tag Archives: repairs

Insider Information on Auto Repairs

Believe it or not, there is an industry out there that specifically looks out on and actually promote auto repairs. Such a racket is not only unethical, it is also inappropriate and unnecessary. Still, there are those who do it

Maintaining the Perfection of your Car

When an automobile owner invests a deal of money in a new car it comes as no real shock that the owner will want to maintain the car’s original look. This is why people go to extreme measures to protect

Is your Mechanic being Honest with you?

Taking your car in for repairs can sometimes be likened to a visit to the dentist to have teeth pulled. You know it has to be done but are dreading the outcome. Unfortunately there are a few mechanics out there

Your Car Is Important, So Be Careful Where It's Repaired!

There are few things more dispiriting than seeing your car after an accident and trying to assess what the damage will cost you. It is likely that you have a place in mind that you would take your car, if

Lemon Laws

The Lowdown on Lemon Laws Exactly what are lemon laws and how do they affect you as a consumer? The lemon laws were created in 1978 as a way to help consumers who have a complaint about their vehicle’s repairs

7 steps to fixing a car on a budget-5

Japanese Auctions Buy and Sell Maintenance on a Budget Having delayed maintenance done on your Japanese auctioned bought car only adds more money to spend and major repairs to be done. Having a relationship with your mechanic may cut those