Tag Archives: phone

Finding Reliable Car Shipping Companies Online

The internet has provided a way for many consumers to find just about anything they need from the comfort of their own home. From finding that special present at a rock bottom price to ordering your new cell phone, just

Trucker Cell Phone Ban Will Keep You Safer

The National Transportation Safety Board recommended banning all cell phone use while driving for commercial drivers and requiring highways with high commercial traffic have medians that mitigate trucks from crossing the road. The NTSB recommended not allowing truck and bus

Tips For Using Your iPhone Hands Free In Your Car

Almost everyone has an iPhone these days. People like them because of the functionality and how they are integrated with other Apple products to make them quite universal within the brand. Mac fans everywhere love their iPhones and use them

Hands Free Car Kits Uniting The States With Road Safety Awareness

With more and more of the United States developing laws against driving while talking on your cell phone, it’s becoming increasingly important to purchase a hands free car kit in order to retain the abilities to have on the road

Road Safety Protocol

Are you prepared for the worst on the road? Is your spare wheel checked and ready to replace a flat? Do you have a medical kit at hand? Do you know what the protocol is when you are involved in

How to Get Fred Loya Quote

Loya Insurance is one of the fastest growing companies in United States with more than 600 agencies in 10 states across the country. In the attempt to be “local”, Fred Loya has smartly placed the agencies in many public places