Tag Archives: new tyres

Top Tips to Follow Before Fitting New Tyres to Your Car

Very few car owners get excited about the fact that they need new tyres for their car. But the condition of a car’s tyres is a very important safety factor as the tyres keep the car attached to the road.

What Are Remould Tyres and How Are They Different From Other Tyres?

Have you ever seen someone turn an old tyre into a tyre swing, incorporate a tyre into an obstacle course, or use one as a flower bed? Those are several ways people can recycle tyres. A remould tyre is simply

Some Basic Tips to Follow Before Fitting Car Tyres

You think you may need new tyres, but you don’t want to have some slick tyre salesman sell you overpriced tyres you can’t afford and don’t really need. By following a few simple tips, you can make a safe, economical