There’s a fundamental unfairness about penalizing drivers for what happens in their neighborhood. In a totally fair world, insurance would be all about whether each person drives safely and avoids getting into accidents. The people who go through life without
Teaching a vocational auto mechanics program to high school students is a great way to keep them interested in learning. The unfortunate thing to note is that not all high schools offer this type of a program. However, in light
Finding the right car insurance deductible doesnt have to be a difficult experience. For those who are unsure what a deductible isa deductible is merely the amount of money that you decide on paying for any damage caused by a
Many individuals regularly wonder whether it cost extra to obtain a windshield replacement on a luxury vehicle or luxury sports car above getting one on the more well-known automobiles seen cruising around town. After all , does it not cost
Being young has numerous advantages and disadvantages too. While it can help one get away with some things, it can prove costly with others. A good example is auto insurance. Young students who are under 25 are considered the most
The new world record for fastest car on ice was set by Nokian Tyres’ Finnish test driver Janne Laitinen who drove 331,610 km/h (206,05 mph) on the Gulf of Bothnia in Oulu, Finland. The record was broken on March 6th