Tag Archives: high

Car disposal is becoming a lucrative business, but what cost is borne by the environment?

It is obvious that the car disposal market is an essentially environmentally sound industry. Breakers yards recycle as many of the parts that can be commercially removed from vehicles before crushing them and selling the remaining metal via the international

Are Torque Converters Important?

Cars with manual transmissions uses a clutch to connect the engine to the vehicle’s transmissions. This connection is used to make a manual car come to a complete stop without killing the car’s engine. However, for automatic cars that do

Car Insurance Savings Tips

Car insurance premiums are partly based on factors under your control and partly on factors outside your control. It is pointless getting stressed about the latter, but knowing which factors under your influence affect premiums can help you change your

High Risk Car Insurance – Try to Buy the Best Policy & Not the Cheapest One

The insurance companies categorize some drivers under the head of ‘High risk drivers’. Now who make it to the list of the high risk drivers? The high risk car insurance companies calculate the risk factor on the basis of some

Basic Properties Of Gear Oil (Page 1 of 2)

Gear systems must be cooled, lubricated, and protected by high-quality gear oils. Those same oils also flush away particles from the contact areas that can cause damage or excessive noise. These oils must also protect from high pressures and extreme

Fujita Air Intakes – A Sneak Preview

Fujita Air Intakes – A Sneak Preview Air intakes – Fujita is popular for the quality they offer at such a reasonable price point. A good air intake is much more than just being a tube and a filter. At