Tag Archives: going

Auto Detailing Calgary: How to Get Soda Stains Out of Your Car Seat

You know you love your car. You love driving around, and going to different places throughout the day. You stop to fill up on a little gas and decide to get a cherry soda. Why not, it is hot out

Insuring your performance vehicles

High performance vehicles are the kind of cars designed with specific performance capabilities. Discerning drivers may be after something that offers enhanced power (higher engine outputs) or enhanced braking and suspension systems. As a result, high performance cars are going

You Really Do Need Life Insurance And The Earlier You Take One Out The Better Deal You Will Get

Like most young Australians starting out in life the world is your oyster. Living in a land with a glorious climate and a good education and vocational training system which enables you to find a decent job and start enjoying

Cracked Windshields – Do You Ignore It, Repair It, Or Replace It?

So, your windshield is cracked? You clearly remember pulling up behind that eighteen wheeler truck, just waiting for an opportunity to overtake, when out of the blue a small stone hit your windshield. Of course you couldn’t go after the

The 2011 BMW ActiveHybrid 7 Compared to The Toyota Prius: They're Not Alike

A new 2011 BMW ActiveHybrid 7 is actually a hybrid automobile that bears little resemblance to a Toyota Prius or other similar hybrids. Gasoline efficiency is exactly what you think of when you think hybrid however the BMW hybrid is

Classic Car Restoration: What to do with a Basketcase Car

Deciding what to do with a basketcase car is one of the toughest decisions for people who’ve already invested time, money, and love into their classic car restorations. At the same time, there are plenty of vintage car veterans who