Are car insurance rates lower for women than for men? In brief, the answer is yes. However are women better drivers? How to find the specifics that influence the rates for lady car insurance, cheap car insurance for ladies?As indigestible
Land rover is the most versatile sports utility vehicles (SUV) seen on and off the roads today. It was designed in the year 1974 by Maurice Wilks, chief designer of the marquee. More than sixty years in the making, the
Are you considering embarking on a long journey? However, wonder how you can carefully drive the whole distance on your own? You can have one other driver with you, and so they might take over driving in the event you
Trying to understand the ins and outs of car insurance is a tricky undertaking. This is no coincidence as insurance companies deliberately make policies complex in order to ensure that they have a number of escape clauses that could save
Getting the discounts You know all those old lines: it’s a dog-eat-dog world, never give a sucker an even break, it’s a great life so long as you don’t weaken. . . The common theme is the basic unfairness of
More than two-thirds of the total oil consumption of U.S. goes to transportation – mainly in the form of gasoline. An average American consumes 500 gallons of gas annually. And with the unpredictable cost of fuel and the growing concern