Tag Archives: done

How To Get More Miles Per Gallon Of Gas

Many people think that the only way to get better gas mileage is to buy a car that uses less fuel. While it is true that a new car fitted with the latest technologies will perform better in terms of

Does Dynamometer Testing Damage The Car?

There is no actual proof that dynamometer testing might damage the car in any certain way. While performing tests, dynos don’t interfere with the engines performance and more importantly, don’t do any damage to it. Some of the things that

Insider Information on Auto Repairs

Believe it or not, there is an industry out there that specifically looks out on and actually promote auto repairs. Such a racket is not only unethical, it is also inappropriate and unnecessary. Still, there are those who do it

Is your Mechanic being Honest with you?

Taking your car in for repairs can sometimes be likened to a visit to the dentist to have teeth pulled. You know it has to be done but are dreading the outcome. Unfortunately there are a few mechanics out there

Lemon Laws

The Lowdown on Lemon Laws Exactly what are lemon laws and how do they affect you as a consumer? The lemon laws were created in 1978 as a way to help consumers who have a complaint about their vehicle’s repairs

Convert To Electric Car & Save 100's A Month

Electric Car ConversionWith the recent surge of fuel prices, it is no wonder that people want to find ways to save money with their cars. One of the most recent movements is that of getting an electric car conversion. This