Tag Archives: design

The Future As Represented By 5 Exciting Concept Cars.

The latest ideas in car design are embodied in concept cars which give the manufacturers the opportunity of judging the public’s response to them. There’s bound to be something that will appeal to all of us whether the concept is

Where to Find Matchbox Cars

Collecting matchbox cars is a pastime for many, it takes them back to their childhood or it just connects them with a loved one. The “die cast toy” first released by Lesney Products in 1953 and now owned by Mattel

Sentra headlights – get great value for your money

It is very common for a car to be considered great for its cutting edge styling or state of the art luxury or stunning performance. And therefore cars vie with one another to outdo each other in these departments with

Hybrid Car Battery – How it Work

Hybrid cars are what you can illustrate as a mix between a normal gasoline motorized car and an electric motorized car. It uses mutually the two energy sources to run the car and has two engines. One is the gasoline

Modify Your Car’s Exterior and Interior by Adding Decorative Car Accessories

If you have an average-looking car and you’d like to transform it into something rather attractive, you can add up interior and exterior car accessories. Be confident when driving your vehicle by decorating it with appropriate accessories. With the wide

The new Ford Ka – modern design and features

The Ford Ka has been a popular small car since it was first introduced; however many cars of this class have lost their popularity when their new models were introduced, unlike them, the Ford Ka has improved a lot and