Recondition Batteries At Home And Save Money

Did you realize it’s possible to recondition batteries at home and repair them to close to new condition? Dont worry if you haven’t heard about reconditioning batteries. It’s not surprising, battery manufacturers dont like to talk about it. It’s the automotive industry’s dirty little secret.

Eventually everyone has to deal with a dead battery. It’s a real pain in the butt when it happens. Usually the timing couldn’t be worse. If we are fortunate we get away without having to call a tow truck.

Battery reconditioning cant solve your immediate problem. But there’s no reason to experience this ever again. When you start to recondition batteries you will always have a healthy battery in your vehicle.

How about starting a profitable home business reconditioning batteries? It’s really cheap to start up and easy to do. So let’s look at whats involved.

Automotive batteries use lead plates submerged in sulfuric acid to create a chemical reaction that produces electricity. This is nothing new to you I’m sure. You may not be aware your battery also produces lead sulfate as it makes electricity.

With a new battery this breaks back down to lead and sulfuric acid again. Gradually, as a battery ages, lead sulfate no longer breaks down but forms crystallized lead sulfate deposits on the lead plates.

Because lead sulfate wont conduct electricity and these deposits form on your plates your battery efficiency is lowered. It no longer has the same strength or charges as well.

This process is called sulfation and it causes most battery failures. If you’ve ever messed with a weak battery and put it on a charger you know after a while it takes longer to charge and wont hold a charge as long. At some point the battery will no longer take a charge at all. Even battery reconditioning has its limits and cant save it now.

Most times it’s possible to reverse sulfation luckily. Using a battery desulfator, a specialized charger, can reverse sulfating. Once the lead sulfate is removed from the plates the battery works like new again.

Before you throw that battery away, why not find out more about how to recondition batteries and construct your own battery desulfator? It can save you money on battery replacements and can even make you money if you want to set up a battery reconditioning business.

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