Whether to Buy a New Car or an Old Car

For those looking to purchase a car, you may be pondering over whether you should purchase a brand new car or a second hand model. Both choices have their own advantages and disadvantages and it will largely depend on your own personal situation as to which option will be the right one for you.

Clearly purchasing a new car will appeal to everyone and if given the choice a person would always choose something that is new over something that is old or has been used before. However, the main disadvantage of buying a new car is the cost. Given the type of technology, it is understandable that cars are expensive and therefore, when they are brand new they are considerably more expensive than older models. In addition to this disadvantage, all cars will lose significant value once they have been driven off the forecourt of a car showroom, as they will no longer be brand new and will be classed as second hand.

However, with anything that is brand new, you can expect within reason that it will be fully functional and should not require any work done to it for quite some time. Additionally, some companies will offer free servicing packages, so if anything does happen to stop working, you will not have to fork out any extra money. Another advantage that is only offered with some new cars is one year’s free insurance, which will benefit the younger and more inexperienced drivers with more costly insurance packages.

Despite the appeal of a brand new car, most people will opt for a second hand model, with the main reason being the cost. Given the sums of money required for a brand new car, it is just not feasible for many to purchase one. Used cars are considerably cheaper and depending on how old the car is, some bargains can be found. This is evident with some people turning car trading into a career, by spotting good value and selling the cars on for a decent profit each time. When deciding to buy a used car, it is important to look at the budget you have and from there you will have a better idea of what sort of car you can afford. The newer the car is, the more reliable it is likely to be but it will also be more expensive.

The main disadvantage of purchasing an old car is the reliability issue. Like with any used technology, there will be more issues than if it was brand new and therefore will require more maintenance. However if looked after in the right manner, a used car can prove to be a solid purchase and provide good value for money.

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