Understanding Texas Auto Insurance Laws

Examining the Minimums for Auto Insurance in Texas

Have you recently moved to Texas or are you a young driver just looking into auto insurance in Texas for the first time? If so, you might not yet be aware of the minimum requirements for Texas auto insurance policies. Today, we will offer you a closer look at minimum requirements, as well as what to seek when you are looking for Texas insurance.

The Main Points of Minimum Texas Insurance

• Liability limits are 25,000 for bodily injury
or death to one person and 50,000 for bodily
injury or death to two or more people.
• Liability Texas auto insurance also means a
minimum of 25,000 in coverage for damage or
destruction of property.
• Texas does offer the choice to post financial
bond and provide self-insurance in lieu of a
traditional Texas insurance policy.

What Other Rules Govern Texas Auto Insurance?

You will find that in Texas, you must carry policy minimums on every single car that you own. Proof of insurance is required to be in the vehicle at all times, and driving a motor vehicle without this proof will result in fines between $175 and $350 for a first offense, with fines increasing for subsequent offenses. If you are caught without proof of insurance three times, your driving privileges will be suspended. It is also important to note that insurance is required on your vehicle before you will be allowed to register it with the state.

Don’t Let Your Texas Auto Insurance Lapse

If you live in the state of Texas and have a vehicle registered with the DMV, a lapse in coverage will be automatically reported. Allowing your coverage to lapse can result in license suspension if you are caught driving. Maintaining auto insurance in Texas is absolutely crucial.

Why Do I Need Insurance?

If you are trying to understand why Texas insurance is mandatory, consider this. No matter how excellent your driving skills may be, all it takes is a moment of distraction or even a flat tire to send your vehicle out of control, damaging property and possibly even hurting or killing someone. Without Texas auto insurance, you would be held liable for all expenses, and without the money to pay, injured parties may not be able to receive proper care. Insurance laws protect you as well as others, and maintaining mandatory minimum insurance isn’t just recommended, it’s the law.

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