Do You Know What To Do In A Car Accident?

When you take your car out for a spin, you always leave plenty of room between you and the car in front of you. You brake slowly and deliberately. You rarely speed, and you never use your phone. But the driver behind you may not be so safe. He may have a lead foot. She may be trying to send a quick text. He may be weaving in and out of traffic recklessly. Next thing you know… SLAM! You’re rear-ended causing you both to lose control and spin off the highway into a field of trees. You’ve just had your first crash, and it wasn’t even your fault! Do you know what to do after a car accident?

It’s something we’ve all thought about at one time or another before getting behind the wheel. How would I react, and what would I do if I were involved in an auto accident? What if there are injuries? What should I say to the police or people at the scene? When it comes to car accident law, am I at fault? What’s the deal with car accident insurance claims? The questions are endless and so is the number of motor vehicle accidents that happen every single day. Will you be prepared if it happens to you?

What to Do After a Car Accident

The 5 Critical “Must Do’s” When in An Auto Accident:

1. Remain calm. Be sure no one is injured and needs care. If so, call 911.

2. Always call the police and have them fill out a report. Do not give your personal information, including your insurance info, to anyone other than the police officer. Do not leave the accident scene.

3. Get witnesses and leave the cars where they are. Photos may be helpful, but they’re easily doctored so opinions differ on how useful they might be.

4. Limit discussion of the accident. Speak only to the police officer or your insurance agent. Do not discuss fault or liability at scene of accident.

5. Report even minor accidents to your insurance agent. You’ll want to review coverages, next steps, whether it’s in your best interest to file a claim and if so, with whom.

Are You Prepared?

Even if you’ve never been in a car accident, you’ll save yourself worlds of hassle with just a little preparation. Knowing what actions to take and not take is a crucial part of protecting yourself in case that unlucky day ever comes. And equipping yourself with up-to-date insurance papers, a pen, paper and even a handy Auto Accident Report Folder for your vehicle can put you miles ahead when it comes to accident awareness. Contact our agency for your Auto Accident Report Folder.

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