Tips for checking the condition of your winter tyres

Here are five more tips for making your car safer for winter

Check the age of your winter tyres (in Finnish, talvirenkaat). Tyres over four years old are not safe enough, even they look fine and the tread is deep enough (4 millimeters at least). Tyres are made from rubber, and rubber products loose their features when aging. This feature of rubber makes tyres more vulnerable when they are getting over four years old: if your tyres are over aged, you should consider changing them.

If you are using studded tyres, make sure that studs are robustly attached to tyres. If studs are moving or bending, the tyres are not safe anymore. The dangers of moving studs are easily seen when driving on icy roads: the grip gets worse. The amount of the studs is remarkable also: if too many studs have come out, the tyres will not fulfill their function. Compare the amount of the stud in each tyre: there should be the same amount of suds left in every tyre.

Tyres that are worn out uneven are getting unsafe. When the tyres are installed correctly, they should rotate straight, without ploughing or squint-angles. Tyres worn out unevenly mean that steering angles have been incorrect. If this is the case, steering angles should be checked, preferably by the specialist. If there are differences in the level of worn out from tyre to tyre (in finnish, rengas), the best tyres should be installed at the back regardless if the car is rear-driven, front-driven or 4×4. That will prevent the back tyres from sliding, which is the most dangerous way to slide with your car.

After installing winter tyres , the pressure of the tyres should be checked immediately. When the tyre pressure is right, the wheel will rotate lightly and it can be driven accurately. The right tyre pressure will save in fuel costs and lower harmful emissions released to the air.

And finally, check the correct rotating direction when installing the tyres. The tyre is made to rotate certain way. Only when the pattern is at the right way, it will work as designed.

Have safe driving trips at wintertime!

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